Tuesday, July 14, 2009

What Crash?

Sunday Jourdon and I were able to go to the lake with friends Tim & Tracey Trefren and their daughter Tory. It was a beautiful day. We spent time on the docks as the kids played and we sunned ourselves. We had a great picnic of subway sandwiches. It is a wonderful day. Tim and Tracey got a double tube to pull behind their boat and Jourdon and I got a turn together on it. Jourdon laughed the whole time.
Jourdon and I riding the tube.

Then Tim and I took a turn on it. We laughed like little girls for most on the time. Until it happened......we crashed. I herd that it was a pretty impressive crash but I do not remember. The last thing I remember was Tim saying "isn't this better than staying home and cleaning?" I told him it was. The next thing I remember is that I was at the boat and Tracey was telling Tim to help me in the boat. I told them I could help myself into a boat so I pulled myself in and I just sat there. I couldn't remember why I was in the water. I don't remember crashing or going into the water. Tim said that I had a very blank look on my face when I came out of the water and when asked if I was ok I just replied that I was fine. I don't recall him talking to me at all. They said that about ten minutes had passed between the conversation I remember and getting into the boat. I am sooooooooo grateful for a life jacket that saved me and brought me back to the boat safely.

Yesterday my body reminded me of the crash all day. I felt like I had been in a car wreck and was suffering from whip lash. So even though my mind can't recall what happened my body remembers. I have tiny bruises up and down my legs, one large bruise on my right arm and another bruise on my right cheek bone. I don't think I will be getting back on the tube for a while.

We had a great time and I am glad I was able to spend quality time with Jourdon hearing him laugh while trying something new.


Jared & Courtney Jackson said...

Oh My goodness! I'm glad that you are ok! I know the car wreck feeling oh to glad that you are alright! you must have hit the water so hard.